It's so nice to work on, but I had to frog everything out last week as I worked with two threads and the fabric is too small. I started again with one thread and it's much more beautiful this way.
This week I got my threads from Nina I had ordered a few more so I could choose when I got them. I did make a choice based on the pictures Nina sent of the colors, but wasn't sure about one or two colors. So now I'm all ready to start working on all these specialty stitches, which I'm going to do this evening and tomorrow. Wishing you all a wonderful weekend! Hugs
Het belangrijkste eerst. Hier zijn de vorderingen met Lula la Belle, een SAL waaraan ik deelneem. Je kan alles erover vinden bij Inès
Het is heel leuk om aan te werken, maar ik moest vorige week alles uithalen. Ik werkte namelijk met twee draden en de stof was veel te fijn. Opnieuw begonnen dus met één draad en het is zo veel mooier.
Ik heb deze week ook mijn garen van Nina gekregen. I had er wat meer besteld om te kunnen kiezen als ze aankwamen. Ik had namelijk gekozen op basis van de foto's die Nina gestuurd had van de kleuren tesamen, maar ik was niet zeker van één of twee kleuren. Dus nu ben ik helemaal klaar om al die speciale steekjes te borduren, en daar begin ik vanavond mee en morgen doe ik voort. Ik wens jullie allemaal een schitterend weekend! Knuffel
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This is Lulu la Belle. It's sometimes challenging to work on this fine fabric, but she will be so lovely. We agreed to work only on wednesdays on her and she has to be ready in september.. |
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These are the hand dyed threads I choose. I loved all the colors but wanted to make a further selection. |
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This is a gift Nina added and I know exactly what to do with the little bobbin. Thank you ever so much Nina, I was really happy with these threads and the bobbin! |
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These are the colors and the fabric I finally choose for my Papillon Sal. However, if it doesn't work out the way I want to, I still have alternatives. |
10 opmerkingen:
Prachtige kleuren, ben zeer benieuwd naar update's van dit borduurwerk
Lovely colours for your Papillon SAL.I chose chosen pinks and purples too and I love the way they are looking as I try out the new(to me) stitches.
Great start on Your Lulu SAL.
I love the colours you chose for your Papillon SAL. I'm looking forward to seeing the stitches as you progress.
Love the colors you chose for your Papillon. It's going to look beautiful!
Love your colour choices for the Papillon.
I've made mine but can't quite decide which number each one should be!
The colors you chose look so pretty with the fabric! I can't wait to see your stitching on this piece. :)
Your SAL is looking good and those threads from Nina
look so pretty. HUGS.
Nice start :)
And you have some gorgeous new threads!!! :D
Your SAL colours look gorgeous and I'm sure that it will work out just fine.
These bthread colours that you ordered from Nina are so beautiful. I'm looking forward to seeing the project you will be stitching with them.
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