dulcinella's chaos
over linnen, borduurgaren en heel veel kruisjes

woensdag 16 mei 2012

Waiting for the long weekend-pictures

Judging by the  temp and the all the rain that comes from above, one would think it's very early spring or end of the winter.. Newspapers tell us that spring won't come the next two weeks. Who knows, maybe that two warmer days back in march, were all the summer we are going to get this year:-(
But, lot of cross stitch time ahead, with a long weekend,  a IHSW long weekend. So before starting to cross stitch for a lot of hours, here's some update pictures.
Some of you noted that I love doing SAL's. That's right, I think the clear goals in a SAL help me to focus without putting to much presuure. You will continue to see new ones:-)  I'm going to do on with a design with lots of blackwork in it on the blog of Agnieszka . I like the two designs she proposed, but the monochrome woman was really shouting at me.
Happy stitching weekend to all of you wonderful ladies out there!
This is how far I got with the Papillon SAL. It would be more if I did hate the metallics on the 32 count. I love their effect, but they"re a pain in the ass to work with. I use Kreinik 4 and really don't know if there are metallics who are easier to use or to get into your needle.

This is another SAL I'm stitching with some wonderful ladies at the Margaret Sherry lovers blog . I started later than the rest so I'll have to work hard on the four cats (this is spring cat, couldn't you telle?), but they"re a joy to stitch and as they're not too big, I would have a finish now and then:-)

This is an update of the Drawn Thread sampler 'Alpine Garden'. I did not do too much, but just started on it again yesterday as it was yelling so hard:-) I love working on this sampler, so I don't rush trough it, but take my time to enjoy stitching with these lovely colors and silks

This is the Waiting for summer SAL, and a may memories  design. You can see the top of the roof appearing. I have noticed on this one, my cross stitching doesn't look so neat. I wonder why, but I have noticed lately that working with two threads often gets too bulky .But I honestly think one thread wouldn't give the right coverage for this one, so I'll have to be extra careful.

This is the Lula la belle SAL . It looks like I didn't make any progress, but putting the white stiches on part of her shirt, while watching television was a long process:-) But it spares me lots of time as I don't need to count the next hours.

Afgaande op de temperatuur en al de regen die uit de hemel valt, zou je eerder denken dat het vroege lente of het einde van de winter is. De kranten vertellen ons dat de lente er de eerste twee weken niet zal komen. Wie weet, misschien waren die twee warmere dagen in maart al de zomer die we krijgen dit jaar:-(
Maar veel borduurtijd voor ons en aan lang weekend, een IHSW lang weekend. Vooraleeraan urenlanger borduursessies te beginnen, laat ik jullie eerst wat foto's met de borduurstand van zaken zien.
Sommigen hebben terecht opgemerkt dat ik erg graag SAL's doe. Dat klopt, ik ondervind dat het stellen van deadlines door een SAL mij beter helpt focussen zonder te veel druk te stellen. Je zal er dus voortdurend nieuwe zien:-). Zo ga ik er eentje meedoen met een patroon waar veel blackwork in zit op de blog van Agnieszka   Ik vond de twee voorstellen wel leuk, maar de vrouwenfiguur vond ik heel erg mooi.
Allemaal een heel leuk borduurweekend gewenst, lieve dames!

19 opmerkingen:

Pauline zei

fijn borduurweekend!

Anoniem zei


Your Papillon project looks lovely!

Your WIPs are looking great!
Hope you have a good IHSW.

mdgtjulie zei

Looking good Dulcinella. I love some of the colors you chose for your WIPs. Especially the Alpine fabby color. Beautiful. It's my fave!

Johanna Zweden zei

Mooi borduurwerk
Fijne Hemelvaartsdag groetjes Joke

Johanna Zweden zei

Ps stuur me even een mail!

♥ Nia zei

Crazy wheather! Here it feels like summer heat :p but we will have rain again just for the weekend, rain for saturday and sunday, sun again after monday.. So we have sun and warm to work and rain to be stuck at home during the weekend =/ I hope the seasons will start to make some sense soon :p

I really like Kreinik, much better than DMC mettalic threads!
I'm loving those hearts, looking very pretty :)

hugs&smiles to you

Inés zei

Hard work!!!!
jaja I hate white!!!

saramsborduren zei


Carol zei

You sure have some pretty projects! I really look forward to seeing your Alpine Garden progress. I have that chart, but haven't stitched it yet. I just love Drawn Thread designs...

Shaunterria zei

You are a busy woman, and your projects look wonderful so far! I really love the fabric you are using for "Alpine Garden" - that green is so pretty :)

Anne zei
Deze reactie is verwijderd door een blogbeheerder.
dulcinella zei

Thnaks for all your kind comments. Unfortunately I have accidentley removed a reaction for which I really apologize . I'lll try not to do it again, but me and a computer? Can't make too much promises:-(°

Parsley zei

Just wanted to visit your fun blog. Great projects!

You know me also as Autumn

Jan Gartlan zei

Wonderful projects! I look forward to watching them progress. Good luck with the metallics.

Julie zei

Hi Dulcinella,just joined your blog.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a message.
You have a lot of nice projects on the go.
They say using Petite Treasure Braid is nicer to use.

Melissa zei

Beautiful work! :) Thanks for commenting on my blog.

tiffstitch zei

That looks fantastic! And I can see why you like SALs. It is nice to have manageable goals. I just don't know how you can keep them all going. :)

Smily-Света zei

Thank you for your visit! Here am I to know you better :)
Wow, you're stitching Papillion SAL! Some of my Russian friends do it - it is so beautiful! Maybe I should start my own...
Have a nice day!

And This Little Pig zei

Great progress, look forward to seeing more.
LiBBiE in Oz