dulcinella's chaos
over linnen, borduurgaren en heel veel kruisjes

woensdag 4 april 2012

starting a HAED and links to giveaways

Last week my HAED chart arrived. As I have been a lot of spring cleaning, I ignored it until yesterday. At that time it screamed way too loud to be ignored so I had to start it. Okay, I have only prepared the fabric and gathered the floss, but it is a start. The only thing that worries me is the size of the fabric. anyone has an advise on that? what do I do with the big bulk of fabric Doesn't the fabric I'm not stitching on in my way?

I also decided to start again on the sal 'the great escape', designed by wonderful Abi for the specialty stitchers. I didn't like the colours I chose, but I did like the specialty stitches, so I decided I could better start all over. I promise to put a picture very soon!

I have two more links to give from bloggers that are organizing a giveaway
First there I Julie who is organizing a giveaway at http://juliesandyesdearsravings.blogspot.com/2012/04/finish-fridays-blog.html. She is a wonderful lady with a blog I like to read a lot!
Her latest finish is posted on a new blog, called friday finish blog, where stitches can post on fridays their new finishes. I already know I will love this blog a lot. You can find it athttp://finishfriday.blogspot.com/

 a second giveaway is being organized by Kath whose blog I only recently discovered. I've seen she has a lot of puzzling on her blog and sells some stash of hers, for those who are interested:-) http://kathsstitchingheaven.blogspot.co.uk/

Vorige week is mijn eerste HAED kaart aangekomen. Ben bezig geweest met de grote schoonmaak, dus het lukte me wel om deze kaart te negeren, maar gisterenavond was er geen ontkomen meer aan. Ik heb alleen nog maar de stof voorbereid en dmc verzameld, maar dat is toch al iets. Ik ben wel een beetje bezorgd over de grootte van het project, wat doe ik met al die stof waar ik niet op werk? Heeft er iemand een advies? Geraakt al die stof niet te veel in de weg? 
Ik ben ook terug begonnen aan mijn sal 'the great escape', die Abi speciaal voor de groep Specialty stitchers ontworpen heeft. Ik vond mijn kleuren absoluut niet mooi, maar vond het borduren met de speciale steken erg leuk, dus kon ik even goed opnieuw beginnen. Foto's volgen snel.

Nog twee links naar bloggers die een giveaway organiseren:
then eerste is er Julie die een giveaway organiseert op http://juliesandyesdearsravings.blogspot.com/2012/04/finish-fridays-blog.html. Julie is heel leuk iemand en ik lees haar blog bijzonder graag. Haar laatste afgewerk project vind je op http://finishfriday.blogspot.com/i. Dit is een nieuwe blog waar iedereen afgewerkte borduurwerken kan laten zien. Ze worden telkens op vrijdag op het net gezet. Ik hou bijzonder veel van dit soort blogs:-)

Een tweede giveaway wordt georganiseerd door Kath. Haar blog heb ik nog maar pas ontdekt. Je vindt er verschillende puzzels, maar voor de geinteresseerden: ze verkoopt ook patronen die ze zelf niet meer moet hebben.
hugs to all 

14 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

WOW! What a wonderful design! I have never even attempted a HAED before, or anything that large, so I don't have any advice about your extra fabric. I'm looking forward to watching your progress on this one!

Good Luck!

Carrie (Carrie's Cross Stitch)

Anoniem zei

bedankt voor je berichtjes

prachtige head. ben zeer benieuwd naar je vorderingen hiervan.

mvg saramsborduurblog

Claudette497 zei

I let the fabric hang free. I know others gather excess fabric in hair clips and hair elastics. If you use Qsnaps, you can get covers that will hold a lot of extra fabric. I am so glad you're going for an HAED - they are addictive for many, maybe for you too!

Fiona zei

I use scroll rods for large projects and role the excess fabric around the scroll rod. I admire you for taking on a HAED design, they look awesome, but what a lot of work. Thanks for the links to the giveaways.

mdgtjulie zei

Oh, I love Fairy Tales. It's lovely, Ducinella. I've got it on my wishlist too. (I love to sit and look and try to identify the fairy tales everyone is from, lol.) And I use a Q-snap to stitch on. I keep the excess fabby out of my way with a Q-snap huggie. It's a piece of fabric (with elastic) that goes around the Q-snap and holds the excess fabby out of the way. You can buy them at a great price here: www.qsnaphuggies.com. I buy all of mine from Chris, and she's wonderful. If you ask her to, I'm sure she can make your huggie a little big bigger so you'll have room to tuck all the extra fabby in while you work. I hope this helps.

Elena zei

You picked a very beautiful chart. Good luck

Veronica zei

Thank you for visiting my blog. Look forward to see your start on your HAED. I've never stitched on something that big but usually I roll up the excess fabrics on my q-snaps and hold it with those paper butterfly clips. Works so far for me.

By the way, to answer the question you left on my blog since I couldn't email you, the fabric I'm using for Stargazer is Silkweaver Starquest 32 count opalescent Belfast.


Sally zei

Thank you for visiting my blog:) Your new HAED project is gorgeous! I roll my excess fabric up and put a clothes peg on it:)

diamondc zei

What a beautiful pattern, I wish I had the courage to do something so lovely.
Happy Easter

Anoniem zei

Je hebt een award gekregen van mij.

Meer info vind je op mijn blog.

Mvg saramsborduurblog.

Ewa zei

I just let me fabric hang. When I'm all done with a project I give it a quick and gentle bath. Faery Tales stitches up incredibly - you'll be very happy with the result!

mab3500 zei

Beautiful Chart! I love that there are so many different stories represented in one picture. Good Luck!

Alejandra zei

hermoso este haed!!!!!!!!!!

(mymoonlog) zei

Cool...beautiful...i like