dulcinella's chaos
over linnen, borduurgaren en heel veel kruisjes

vrijdag 29 juni 2012

Just helping a bit

Not with pictures. Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm feeling a bit better. However, yesterday they came to install digital television. The result of this is that I don't have digital television, but no internet and phone either:-( I can use my sisters network, but we don't get the signal everywhere in this house so I can do reading and answering mail, but not posting pictures and such. As for the que(e)st(e): in my last blogpost a lot of clues were given. Everything in the last part could be used for one of the clues! I enjoy reading all your answers and lots of you are on the right track, but mostly only for one of them. Keep searching:-) Niet met foto's. Ik wilde iedereen laten weten dat ik me een beetje beter voel. Maar gisteren kwamen ze digitale televisie installeren. Het resultaat is dat ik geen digitale televisie heb, maar ook geen internet en telefoon:-( Ik gebruik nu het internet van mijn zus, maar we krijgen het signaal maar op een paar plaatsen goed door. Ik kan dus wat lezen en mails beantwoorden, maar geen foto's plaatsen en van die dingen. Wat betreft de que(e)st(e):in mij laatste blogpost heb ik behoorlijk wat info gegeven. Alles in het laatste stukje kan voor een van de antwoorden gebrukt worden. Het is leuk jullie antwoorden te lezen en er zijn er veel op het juiste spoor, maar meestal maar voor een antwoord. Blijven denken:-)

7 opmerkingen:

Toni zei

I hope you will be feeling better and better everyday Claire :-)

Anne zei

Glad to hear you are feeling better Dulcinella!!

♥ Nia zei

I hope today will be a good day and tomorrow even better! :)
So visit from Mr.Postman..? =/ He should be there already, mail from Portugal to you should travel a little faster.. I hope you'll receive my exchange soon! And I really-really hope that my gift will make you smile and bright your day :D
Hugs to you!!!

Carol zei

Good to read you are feeling a bit better.
We could do with a new TV, the digital transmission means that part of the picture is missing off our screen which my DH finds very annoying when watching sport results. It just seems a waste to replace it when it is still working ok. Hope you soon get yours sorted.
Carol xx

Brigitte zei

So good to read that you are feeling a bit better. I hope that you will soon be your old self again.
We had to have digital TV installed by the beginning of May. I'm glad that everything worked OK from the beginning and hope that your internet will work soon.
I loved your choice from Yiota's and am looking forward to seeing your first stitched on it.

Rita zei

I hope you're all better now! And so your internet connection :)

It's been a while since i've been reading your blog..my little son doesn't let me do many things :( But i'm catching up now :)

Hope to see you on my blog...i'm making a giveaway and i would love if you join it :)


Anoniem zei

good job embroidery digitising service (&